October 26, 2015

Be safe. Be healthy. Because… there’s so much more to look forward to in life!

There are so many reasons for being safe and healthy at work – and this is another one, as we dedicate this month to encouraging individuals and workplaces to be involved in raising awareness of work health and safety.

We at EQAS try and do our bit by continuing to remind organisations about how to ensure they remain proactive and complying with their legal safety responsibilities!

In addition to work, we should be able to look forward to hobbies, sport, travel and volunteering, just to name a few!

Did you know these interesting statistics?
  • that 53% of quad-bike deaths are caused by roll-overs!
  • that 'body stressing injuries' accounted for 41% of injuries in 2012–13
  • that 'mental stress' claims are most common for workers ages between 40 - 54
  • that the total cost of work related injury and illness is $60.6 billion!!
A focus on health and safety in your workplace can therefore
help your business!
EQAS can assist you to:
  • identify and control hazards in the workplace
  • find better ways of doing your jobs
  • work more together to improve your workplace
  • increase your worker job satisfaction
  • improve your worker health and wellbeing, and
  • most importantly, ensure they all return home from work safely every day!
For more details, call us at EQAS on (08) 8338 2771

Keep Safe and Kind Regards, Greg Francis Senior Consultant

Helping you meet standards in Environment, Quality & Safety

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