October 8, 2015

Do you know that October is National Safe Work Month

National Safe Work Month is dedicated to encouraging individuals and workplaces to be involved in raising awareness of work health and safety.

This year’s theme is Be safe. Be healthy.There are so many reasons for being safe and healthy at work –what are yours?Here at EQAS we will be continuing to remind organisations about how to ensure they remain proactive and complying with their legal safety responsibilities!

There are many National Safe Work Month activities happening around Australia throughout October.

Too many workers are losing their lives!

Every year around 200 Australians lose their lives as a result of a work-related injury. 
In addition, Australian employees make an average of 120 000 serious workers’ compensation claims for injuries or illnesses involving one week or more off work each year. 
This equates to 330 serious claims made every day.

A focus on health and safety in your workplace can
help your business!
EQAS can assist you to:

  • identify and control hazards in the workplace
  • find better ways of doing your jobs
  • work more together to improve your workplace
  • increase your worker job satisfaction
  • improve your worker health and wellbeing, and
  • most importantly, ensure they all return home from work safely every day!
I suggest you might use the opportunity to think about whether your organisation is adequately focussed on workplace health and safety - just contact me if you'd like a chat!

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